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410-461-5066 • 3301 S. Rogers Avenue, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
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October 2019 Newsletter
We dedicate this month to the Holy Rosary, our spiritual weapon
"One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, 
Our Lady will save the world."
~Saint Dominic

Blessing of the Blankets
October 8th at 12:00 Noon Mass
Bunches of blankets that have been completed for the Linus Project will be blessed at Mass and then distributed to area children in crisis. "Blanketeers" who are present will also receive a blessing, as will all who donate toward the purchase of more fleece to keep all those fingers busy!
Blanket Making Workshops
Always the second & fourth Tuesdays of each month at 1:00 pm
This month: 10/8 & 10/22

Come meet a wonderful group of enthusiastic Blanketeers and learn how to make colorful, no-sew knotted fleece blankets for Project Linus, a non-profit organization which provides snuggly handmade blankets to children in hospitals and abuse shelters. If you can make a knot, you can make a blanket! Material and supplies are provided. Over 400 made so far!
Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart
before the Blessed Sacrament

Friday, October 11th following 12:00 Noon Mass

>> NEW! SPANISH at 5 pm! <<

English and Spanish Booklets provided & for sale
In light of the affronts against God and his creation which are being perpetrated and increasingly promoted in our world, we are making this powerful devotion a regular activity at OLC, always on the Second Friday of the month. Come join in these vocal prayers of thanksgiving and reparation to the Blessed Trinity and especially our Savior, prayers through our dear Blessed Mother, and all the saints for unity in the Church, for sinners of all types, for a just and lasting peace in the world and more! 
Annual America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally
Saturday, October 12th, 10:30 am
We will once again be participating in the annual America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Crusade. These rallies are always held on the Saturday closest to the date of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. There will be thousands of rosary rallies in cities all across America, there were more than 21,000 groups of faithful Catholics simultaneously praying for our country and the world! Mass will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, and Benediction. Please come pray for peace and the conversion of hearts.
“If our age in its pride laughs at and rejects Our Lady’s Rosary, a countless legion of the most saintly men of every age and of every condition have not only held it most dear and have most piously recited it but have also used it at all times as a most powerful weapon to overcome the devil, to preserve the purity of their lives, to acquire virtue more zealously, in a word, to promote peace among men.” -Pope Pius XI
The Defend Life Speaker Tour Presents
Dr. Pat Castle
of Life Runners

“Changing America, One Runner at a Time”
Friday, October 18th, 1:00 pm
Dr. Castle is the Founder and Director of Life Runners, America’s fastest-growing PRO-LIFE Organization. Life Runners uses teamwork to “cross the line that ends abortion.” They now have chapters in all 50 States plus 75 foreign countries, and they have just completed relays from NY to CA and from the Canadian border to the Mexican border. Learn more about LifeRunners HERE. Come hear this inspiring talk and stay for refreshments and lively conversation.

Children's Storytime & Craft
Two Wednesdays a month at 10:30 am in the Conference Room
OCTOBER DATES: 10/09 & 10/23
Bring the children to hear Mrs. Ginny read entertaining and wonderfully virtuous Catholic children's books, do a fun craft, and enjoy a snack. RSVP so we know how many snacks and crafts to have on hand, but last minute drop-ins are always welcome! 
First Fridays Mass & Devotions: 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
Holy Rosary daily Monday-Friday at 11:30 am
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Thursdays after 12:00 Noon Mass.
Adoration: Fridays between the 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm Masses
Legion of Mary, Our Lady, Undoer of Knots Praesidium: Fridays 5:30 pm

All Saints Day Children's Storytime & Parade up to Mass
Friday, November 1st, 11:00 am - Noon Mass
Calling all our tiny saints! Little Marys and Josephs, Clares and Francises, Thereses and Patricks and Roses and Nicholases. Come to hear a story about saints, do a craft, have a snack, and parade up to the chapel for Mass. The first few pews will be reserved for you and your families. Parents, there is time to get a costume together, but it is not mandatory. Also, any child who would like to tell us about their special saint is encouraged to do so!
All Souls Day Memorial Mass on First Saturday
Saturday, November 2nd, 10:30 am-12:00 pm 
Come to a very special First Saturday Mass where we shall remember and pray for our loved ones who have passed on. The official name of this Mass is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, a day of remembrance. 
On this important day Catholics pray, celebrate Mass, visit cemeteries, and give alms in memory of those who they believe are held in Purgatory, in hopes that their souls will be released to Heaven.

Please Join the 40 Days for Life Campaign to End Abortion
40 Days for Life is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping local communities end the injustice of abortion and saving over 16,000 babies from the cruel fate. The Fall campaign runs September 25th - November 3rd. Please consider signing up for a time slot at a location near you. Learn more about it HERE.
As the conclusion nears of the 54 Day Novena for Our Nation, please consider attending these regional Rosary events. Do not let up in this spiritual battle!

National Rosary Rally in DC
Sunday, 10/13, 12:00 - 3:00pm, Union Square, Washington DC.

The Rosary Coast to Coast
Sunday 10/13, the Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun 4 pm EST. Location: everywhere in the country at once! Just as the faithful have done in Poland, Ireland and the British Isles, Americans across the country are invited to gather along the US coasts and borders, in front of state capitols, in other public areas, or as families while viewing the live stream of the National Rosary Rally. The time is now to call upon God, through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, to heal our country and return to holiness.

Archdiocese of Baltimore Rosary Congress
Sunday 10/5 - Saturday 10/11, various locations. In honor of the Fatima Centennial, the Archdiocese of Baltimore is presenting its first-ever Rosary Congress as a way of encouraging people to pray for peace, grow in faith and develop a deeper relationship with Christ. Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be available at seven churches throughout the archdiocese. Special Masses, spiritual talks, opportunities for confession and other events will also be offered, and several Catholic schools will be hosting special events. For more information, click HERE

Lovely Upgrades to Our Grotto & Stations!
We've been sprucing up the grounds lately, and one of the first things you might notice are the lovely white stones that now cover the grotto beds. We love how they look with the Blessed Mother Statue. Pretty soon, she will get a nice blue backdrop again. And come see our lovely new outdoor Stations of the Cross aluminum prints!

Tell your friends about OLC. They can sign up for the newsletter HERE
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date info!
October Events at a Glance:
10/05, First Saturday: Mass at 10:30 am followed by devotions;
            12:00 pm: Legion of Mary hosts the Revelation DVD Bible Study
10/08, Tuesday: Blanket Making Workshop, 1:00 pm.
10/09, Wednesday: Children's Storytime & Craft, 10:30 am.
10/11, Friday: 2nd Friday Holy Hour of Reparation, after 12:00 Noon Mass.
            NEW: Spanish Holy Hour 5:00 pm
10/12, Saturday:
Annual America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally, 10:30 am Mass followed by Rosary

10/22, Wednesday: Children's Storytime & Craft, 10:30 am.
10/23, Tuesday: Blanket Making Workshop, 1:00 pm.
11/01, Thursday: Special Storytime at 11:00 am followed by All Saints Day Parade before Mass
11/02, Saturday: All Souls Day First Saturday Mass & Devotions 10:30 am
October Special Feasts:
1 - St. Therese of Lisieux
2 - Holy Guardian Angels
4 - St. Francis of Asissi
5 - St. Faustina Kowalska
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos

7 - Our Lady of the Rosary
8 - St. Bridget of Sweden
11 - Pope St. John XXIII
15 - St. Teresa of Avila
16 - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
18 - St. Luke
22 - Pope St. John Paul II
28 - Sts. Simon & Jude

*We are a non-profit. All sales go towards supporting the Shrine! 

Our Fall display is a bountiful harvest of ideas for gifts and entertaining with an attitude of gratitude! And don't forget you're beautiful Catholic wall calendar!
Holy Land Stone is Back in Stock!
You bought us out before, so now we've expanded our line. Or order from our catalog wedding crosses, memorial stones and more!
NEW! Cardinal Sarah calls this his most important book. It addresses the profound spiritual, moral and political crisis in the contemporary world.
Did you miss our showing of "Heaven?" We still have some DVD's and booklets available for FREE! (or a small donation if you are so moved).
We can hardly keep our very popular jujube and gemstone rosaries in stock! Now's the time to pick one up. Just mention the offer below.

15% OFF
in Stock!

No coupon necessary. Valid on regularly priced, in-stock items only. Not valid on previously purchased or discounted items. Cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts.
Expires 10/31/2019
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine

3301 Rogers Ave

Ellicott City, MD 21043

(410) 461-5066

Store Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm*
Friday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm*
First Saturday: 10:00 am -10:30 am; 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
*Please note that the store is always closed during the noon Mass
Chapel Hours:

Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass

Monday-Friday: 12:00pm
Friday night: 7:30 pm
1st Saturdays: 10:30 am
Monday-Friday: 11:30 am

Following all Masses

Friday: 12:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday Night Devotions

Holy Mass: 7:30 pm
Followed by: Confessions, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities.