410-461-5066 • 240-581-8013 (C)
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm with Rosary at 11:30 am and Mass at 12:00 noon.
Fridays 10am-7:30pm with Rosary at 11:30 am, Mass at 12:00 Noon, Adoration from 12:30-7:30 pm. Friday evening Mass 7:30 pm followed by Exposition & Devotions until 9 pm.
First Saturdays only: Open 10 am -2 pm, Mass at 10:30 followed by Exposition & devotions.
Confessions follow every Mass. Bookstore always closed during Mass.
WE WILL BE ALSO BE OPEN SATURDAY 11/21! See details below.
November 2020
We dedicate this month to the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Weekday Masses Move Indoors
Please come early if you can. Indoor Masses will be streamed into the conference room for overflow. Bring a mask. If you feel unwell, consider yourself at risk, or if you are anxious about being around others at this time, please consider attending Mass online or at a larger church. We are taking reasonable precautions and safety measures.
Stream Management Project
A long anticipated and much needed stream management project, which will address the significant bank erosion along our lane and front parking area, will be commencing within the next several days. This work will affect our lane and parking area for some months and will at times affect the flow of traffic. We intend to remain open and operational throughout the duration. Please be patient and allow a few extra minutes of time when coming to Mass. And please continue to support us through this challenging time!
2000 Hail Marys
Day of Fasting & Prayer on Election Day 2020
Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 9 am-10 pm
Our country is facing the most important election of our time. It is vital that those who affirm the sanctity of human life turn out and vote. Fulfill your civic duty if you haven't already, then come to OLC to spend some time in prayer and fasting before the Blessed Sacrament with the Legion of Mary, Our Lady Undoer of Knots Praesidium. We will be imploring our Lord's protection upon the integrity of the electoral process and upon all those who seek to serve in truth and with integrity. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from after Noon Mass until the polls close in California, 10 pm EST and will close with Benediction.
First Friday Mass
November 6th, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Devotions will follow both Masses.
Our Lord's First Friday Promises
First Saturday Mass
November 7th, 10:30 am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Devotions will follow Mass and end with Benediction.
Shop will be open 11:15 am - 2:00 pm
Our Lady's First Saturday Promises
Veteran's Day Military Mass
Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 12:00 noon Mass
OLC invites all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces and those who have family members who have served to a special Military Mass and Patriotic Rosary. Join us as we honor our beloved veterans. If you served, be prepared to provide your name, rank and military occupation specialty. We are so thankful to all who have served their country with honor!
All Veterans of Military Service will receive a discount in the store!
Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart
before the Blessed Sacrament
Friday, November 13th
following 12:00 Noon Mass. Booklets provided
In light of the affronts against God and his creation which are being perpetrated and increasingly promoted in our world, we are again making this powerful devotion a regular activity. Come join in these vocal prayers of thanksgiving and reparation to the Blessed Trinity and especially our Savior, prayers through our dear Blessed Mother, and all the saints for unity in the Church, for sinners of all types, for a just and lasting peace in the world and more!
Steven Mosher
"China's Plan to Enslave America"
Friday, Nov. 20th, 1:00 pm
Author, scientist, Catholic convert, and father of nine, Steven Mosher makes the case on how China has crippled the Western World with COVID-19 without firing a single shot. Mosher is the president of Population Research Institute and a leading authority on China. He is the author of numerous books including Journey to the Forbidden China; A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight against China’s One-Child Policy; Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits; and Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese.
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saturday, November 21st
Mass 10:30 am
Store open 11:00 am - 2 pm with Special Sales
The Church commemorates the day on which the young Blessed Virgin Mary was offered by her pious parents to the Lord in the temple, when young Mary consecrated herself forever to God's service. Honor Our Lady by attending Mass at your local Marian Shrine. Then take care of some Christmas Shopping in our well-stocked bookstore & gift shop. We understand that many of our patrons find it hard to shop during our regular hours, so we have added a few Special Saturdays as we approach Christmas. We will also be open with Mass on Saturday, December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
We will be CLOSED on Thursday-Sunday, November 26th -29th
We will reopen on Monday, November 30th
Flame of Love Cenacles
Tuesdays at 10 am, Thursdays at 10 am & 2 pm.
These prayer groups meet in the Chapel to pray for the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is Christ Himself, to be enkindled in our hearts and bring about a new Pentecost. There is no denying that this is exactly what our broken and hurting world needs. Learn more about this powerful and growing devotion HERE. Contact Board Member Ada Vergne for the materials and to sign up. Live streaming available for those who cannot attend in person.
Annual OLC Christmas Basket Raffle!
We are loading up some huge Gift Baskets now! They will be displayed very soon in the Bookstore and raffled off next month just before Christmas. Tickets will go on sale soon and can be purchased in the bookstore or over the phone. This is a big fundraiser for OLC, as well as a way to bring joy to our wonderful patrons, and we appreciate your support.
PRAY: The Story of Patrick Peyton
Now showing at Hoyt Linthicum through this Thurs., Nov. 3rd at 2 pm, 4 pm, & 6:50 pm.
This is an inspiring documentary about a poor, uneducated Irish immigrant who sets sail for America in 1928 with nothing but his faith. Patrick prays fervently to Mary, the Mother of God, for her intercession and he experiences a miraculous recovery. He dedicated his life to telling all the world about the power of prayer. He is the author of the famous quote, “The family that prays together stays together.” Purchase your tickets HERE.
SPECIAL OFFER: Bring in your PRAY ticket stub and receive 20% OFF any Rosary in stock!
St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
is Coming to OLC!
Monday, December 7th, 10:30 am in the Chapel
Spread the news! St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, will once again be visiting Our Lady's Center (this time the day after his feast day) to tell the children all about his life, his love for the Lord and the joy of giving. There will be Christmas crafts and treats. RSVP so we have an idea of how many to expect. Upon arrival, please remember to leave the children's shoes under the Christmas tree in the hallway when you first arrive!
Feast of the Immaculate Conception Masses
Monday, Dec. 7th, 6:30 pm Vigil
Tuesday Dec. 8th, 12:00 Noon
We have added a special vigil evening Mass to accommodate all those who may wish to come to Our Lady's Center to honor the Blessed Virgin on this Marian holy day of obligation.
The Bookstore will be open Monday, December 7th until 6:30 pm Mass for those who would like to shop beforehand.
Learn about the history and theology of this doctrine HERE and join us beginning Nov. 30th in praying this novena to the patroness of our suffering and torn nation, she who crushes the head of the serpent.
1 - All Saints Day
2 - All Souls Day
3 - St. Martin de Porres
4 - St. Charles Borromeo
9 - Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica
10 - Pope St. Leo the Great
11 - St. Martin of Torres
12 - St. Francis Cabrini
16 - St. Margaret of Scotland
17 - Elizabeth of Hungary
18 - Dedication of Basilicas of
Sts. Peter & Paul
21 - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
22 - St. Cecelia
26 - Thanksgiving Day
28 - St. Catherine Laboure
30 - St. Andrew
*We are a non-profit. All sales go towards supporting the Shrine!
Trappistine Chocolates
Get yours now before they disappear again. Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Squares, with and without Almonds as well as Maple Walnut Penuche, Chocolate Fudge and Chocolate Walnut Fudge. We also now carry Pecan Yummies, and they are gluten free! All of these make wonderful hostess gifts as well as serving to lift the spirits of those we love during these challenging times.
Advent Begins November 29th!
The coming of Christ should always be at the forefront of our thoughts, no matter the season. We carry all your Advent and Christmas needs. We can order anything you need, as well.
Before you give Amazon & big box chains another dime...
Please instead consider shopping locally and supporting your neighborhood small businesses. This year has been extremely difficult on Main Street America due to lockdowns. Your purchases can make an actual difference in the lives of your neighbors, because you can help to keep shops open in our community. To us, you are never just another sale, because your support helps to keep the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered every weekday confessions to be heard after every Mass, and Our Lord in the Real Presence to be adored in the Blessed Sacrament on our altar. Every First Saturday Mass at Our Lady's Center is offered for the intentions of our patrons and a benefactors. That means you! Thank you!
We Have Wonderful Christmas Gift Ideas!
We can help you find the perfect gift for all your loved ones. We can order and have items shipped too!
2021 16-Month Saints Spiral-Bound Planners & Wall Calendars
The Spiral Planners are hugely useful. Always a top seller. The 2021 Wall Calendars come in three styles and are loaded with beautiful works of sacred art to gaze upon throughout the coming year.
Containing Blessed Beeswax 3-Day Candle in Glass, Holy Water, Exorcised Salt, Blessed Oil, St. Benedict Medal, Miraculous Medal, Scapular, Prayers. These are available for a donation to cover their cost. Reserve yours now.
Many canonized saints and Catholic mystics have referred to the coming chastisement, and specifically Three Days of Darkness, before an era of peace. There are scripture passages that would seem to support it as well. The official Church position, as with all private revelations, is that, as long as they do not contradict Church doctrine, they are not binding. The faithful can prayerfully discern and choose to believe them or not. Some believe in a literal Three Days of Darkness while some believe it is figurative. The proximate signs are almost all there, and it is clear to many of those who are paying attention that we are in a time of depravity and disobedience of God’s laws that can only culminate in God’s chastisement and that it is prudent to prepare. Learn more about it HERE and HERE. Certainly all can agree that there is always a need for spiritual vigilance, because, as Jesus cautions us, no on knows the day or the hour (Mark 13).
15% OFF
No coupon necessary. Valid on in-stock items only. Previously purchased and discounted items excluded. Cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts.
Expires 11/30/2020 |
Tell your friends about OLC. They can sign up for the newsletter HERE
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date info!
Ways to Help Support OLC:
Through the last 46 years, countless patrons have paid it forward to help this little family apostolate grow and thrive, ensuring that countless lives and hearts would be touched by the gentle hand of Mary through our efforts. If you are so moved, please consider helping us continue this beautiful legacy which is needed perhaps now more than ever. Help us continue our mission to bring people to Christ through Mary. We are registered 501 (c)3 non-profit. Thank you, and God bless you!
- Set up a Monthly Electronic Donation. Any amount will help! Contact us for details.
- Purchase a Gift Certificate to use in the future. We'll mail it to you or to a loved one anytime.
- Make a donation through PAYPAL anytime.
Store Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm* Friday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm* First Saturday: 10:00 am -10:30 am; 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm *Please note that the store is always closed during the noon Mass |
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Monday-Friday: 12:00pm
1st Saturdays: 10:30 am
Confessions Follow all Masses
Adoration Friday: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities. |