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The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
410-461-5066 • 240-581-8013​ (C)
3301 S. Rogers Avenue, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Turn between the blue mailbox and guardrail and follow our lane to a lovely oasis of peace.
www.ourladyscenter.net • email@ourladyscenter.net
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm with Rosary at 11:30 am and Mass at 12:00 noon.
Fridays 10am-7:30pm with Rosary at 11:30 am, Mass at 12:00 Noon, Adoration from 12:30-7:30 pm. Friday evening Mass 7:30 pm followed by Exposition & Devotions until 9 pm.
First Saturdays only: Open 10 am -2 pm, Mass at 10:30 followed by Exposition & devotions. 
Confessions follow every Mass. Bookstore always closed during Mass.


First Friday Mass
Friday, June 4th, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
in reparation for sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus

First Saturday Mass
Saturday, June 5th, 10:30 am
in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Both Masses are followed by Confessions, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and devotions. Booklets are provided.
Blessing of the Blankets
Tuesday, June 8th, after 12:00 Noon Mass
It's time to bless our freshly-knotted bevy of blankets at 12:00 Noon Mass so they can be distributed to area children in need through Project Linus. Those who helped create the blankets also receive a special blessing! Donations are always needed to cover the cost of the fleece. The blankets will be on display in the chapel during Mass.

Blanket Making Workshop
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1:00 pm in the Conference Room
JUNE DATES: 6/8 & 6/22
All are welcome after Mass in the Conference room to help knot more blankets for Project Linus. If you can cut and make knots, you can make a blanket! Material and supplies are provided.
Children's Storytime & Craft Returns
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 10:30 am in the Conference Room
JUNE DATES: 6/9 & 6/23
Bring the children to hear Mrs. Ginny read entertaining and wonderfully virtuous Catholic children's books, do a fun craft, and enjoy a snack. RSVP so we know how many snacks and crafts to have on hand, but last minute drop-ins are always welcome!
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: 
Holy Hour of Reparation
before the Blessed Sacrament
Friday, June 11th following 12:00 Noon Mass. 
Booklets will be provided.
In light of the affronts against God and his creation which are being perpetrated and increasingly promoted in our world, we are again making this powerful devotion a regular activity. Come join in these vocal prayers of thanksgiving and reparation to the Blessed Trinity and especially our Savior, prayers through our dear Blessed Mother, and all the saints for unity in the Church, for sinners of all types, for a just and lasting peace in the world and more!
Flame of Love Cenacles
Tues. at 10 am, Thurs. at 10 am & 2 pm.
These prayer groups meet weekly in the Chapel to pray for the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is Christ Himself, to be enkindled in our hearts and bring about a new Pentecost. There is no denying that this is exactly what our broken and hurting world needs. Learn more about this powerful and growing devotion HERE. Contact Board Member Ada Vergne for the materials and to sign up. Live streaming available for those who cannot attend in person.
Pray for Vocations with the Ecce Homo Traveling Bust of Our Lord & Blessed Chalice
Sign up in the Bookstore to take home the Ecce Homo bust of Our Lord and blessed chalice for a two week interval. Set them up in a place of honor in your home and, during that period, pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as your own personal intentions. Instructions and optional prayers and devotional materials are included, as well as a diary filled with the entries of those who have hosted the bust and chalice in their homes previously. Many miracles and wonders have happened as a result of this devotion Sanitary precautions are being taken.
4th of July Closing Schedule
We will be OPEN regular hours on Friday, July 2nd, 10 am to 7:30 pm
and Saturday, July 3rd, 10:30 am - 2 pm, for First Saturday Mass & Devotions

We will be CLOSED Sunday & Monday, July 4th & 5th in observance of Independence Day.
Year of the Eucharist Begins this Sunday
A Year of the Eucharist has been proclaimed by the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Let us take full advantage by drawing ever closer to Our Lord in his Eucharistic presence. Come, let us adore Him. Can you commit to a holy hour every week? How about two or three? He waits for you. At Our Lady's Center, we have Exposition every Friday between the 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm Masses, as well as after First Saturday Mass. You can also visit the new Pope JPII Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at the Baltimore Basilica. Or look up other sites HERE (always call to confirm). 
Blessed Carlo Acutis (1991-2006) only lived to the age of 15, yet the work he did documenting Eucharistic Miracles to spread faith in the Real Presence was phenomenal. Explore his accomplishments HERE & HERE and get inspired!

Bluest of Skies for our May Crowning! 
What a special day it was to honor our Blessed Mother! First Saturday Mass was followed by a May Procession and Crowning and then a Consecration to her devoted spouse, St. Joseph the Worker on his feast day. Rain or shine, we have gathered together at OLC for nearly half a century to crown Our Lady. That is, until last year's pandemic forced us to cancel all activities. This year's celebration was, therefore, all the more jubilant, and the weather very well may have been the most perfect we have ever had. Fr. Ambrose, our joyful celebrant, led the procession and consecration. The honor of crowning Our Lady was carried out by a sweet and lovely young lady, Stella Safford, who recently celebrated her First Holy Communion after waiting an entire year! She was joined by her proud grandparents, Rick and Betty-Ann Sexton.
OLC Welcomes Sr. Dede Byrne 
An enthusiastic crowd came out to hear this incredibly accomplished religious sister, soldier, surgeon and saint-in-the-making speak about living the faith fearlessly in troubling times. Her disarming humor and unmistakable joy of the Lord veils a steely will and devotion to all that is good and true and beautiful. She is a pro-life warrior in every way. We are very grateful that we were able to reschedule her, as her initial talk was canceled due to an icy winter storm.
A Missionary Image of Our Lady Graces Many
OLC welcomed a Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the traditional Feast of Queen of the Apostles. This is one of only four officially commissioned, meticulously exact, life-sized digital image in the whole world made from the original for the Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City as part of the New Evangelization. They were to journey out to bring forth, as St. JPII prayed, conversions, a culture of life, and a civilization of love. There have been thousands of Masses, Confessions, hours of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosaries in the presence of the Images. Many conversions, healings, reconciliations and graces are reported. Abortions have been prevented and over twenty abortion centers have been closed through Our Lady’s intercession after Missionary Image Visitations. Learn more  HERE. Many thanks to Monica Ludwig for ensuring we were a part of her Triumph Tour. 
63 Years! A Good Start on Forever a Priest
Oh how we missed Msgr. Joseph Lizor! After a year spent locked down at Heartlands, this beloved priest was finally able to come out again in time to celebrate his 63rd Anniversary among friends. Last year, many of us joined his Mass on Zoom. Msgr. Lizor agreed to celebrate his Anniversary Mass at OLC if he could have assistance with distributing Communion. Deacon Steven Roscher happened to come in just as we were considering who we might ask. He readily agreed, and what a blessing for all of us. President of the Board Jack Kissane's granddaughter Bess, who has been Msgr's pen pal through the lockdown, came from Delaware a day after graduating college. Another young visitor was Baby Joseph, new son of Marishka who gave birth during the lockdown. The two Josephs smiled and laughed together in the Year of St. Joseph. Might he one day be a priest too? Board members Carolyn Niebauer and Diane Andrews supplied the  delectable goodies, cake and decorations. Msgr. Lizor was delighted that his two devoted cousins, Suzanne Willett and Kathy Shrewbridge, were even able to make the celebration. We wished we could have invited everyone, but it had to be kept small.
to two new theologians!
We are proud to share the news that two of our wonderful regular celebrants, Fr. Julius Ageboh and Fr. Emile Yuban, have earned a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.), an advanced degree between a Masters and a Doctorate, from St. Mary's Seminary in Roland Park. They are now formally qualified and credentialed to instruct in sacred theology. We certainly have benefitted from all their studies with consistently excellent homilies. Their new assignments will take them wherever they are most needed. Until then we will appreciate every Mass they celebrate at OLC. And as always, we pray that Our Lord will continue to always provide us with the excellent priests we need.
In Memorium - Our Founder's Grandson
It is with great sadness that we share the news that one of our founder's grandsons, Matthew Laster, passed away April 28th after a long illness at the young age of 40. Many of us at OLC had been praying for him over this past year at the request of his devoted family. Matt is described as having had a "dynamic spirit and vibrant light." He had been dedicated to a cause which his family and friends are ensuring will continue in his honor, the gift of clean water to needy children and their  families in Ghana. A GoFundMe fundraiser has already raised a fantastic amount for his cause. Read more about his work HERE

Matt leaves behind a wife and two young sons.
 The servant's heart of this devoted father would make his grandfather proud. Frank Lancelotta Sr. founded Our Lady's Center 47 years ago to bring people hope who were thirsting and starving spiritually. Some of his family members are devoted patrons and supporters of OLC to this day, including his daughter, Theresa Pirone and her son Nick, who serves on our Board of Directors. Kathy Lancelotta, wife of Frank's late nephew James, and her son James Jr., who is currently a seminarian at St. Mary's Seminary in Roland Park, are also devoted patrons. We welcomed them to OLC for a recent Friday evening Mass. The Mass intention was for Matt Laster.
Matt Laster and his two sons (left) and Lancelotta & Pirone family members (right).

Gifts for Father's Day

Remember all the fathers in your life on June 20th...including priests!
JUST RELEASED! Local best-selling author Kevin Wells' new book, Priest and Beggar, about the heroic life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, has just arrived! We can't wait to have Kevin come for a talk and book signing!
JUST ARRIVED! From best-selling author and priest, Jaques Philippe. Amidst the crisis of fatherhood in today's society, it is imperative that all men—especially priests—be images of this unfalteringly generous fatherhood of God.
Beautiful Handmade Veils & Mantillas!
A new shipment is arriving this week. Stop in soon for best selection!

   We Also Carry:
   • Catholic Bibles
   • Sunday & Daily Missals
   • Catholic Books
   • Devotionals
   • DVDs & CDs
   • Rosaries & Chaplets
   • Holy Cards
   • Baptism Gifts
   • 1st Holy Communion Gifts
   • Wedding Gifts
   • Confirmation Gifts
   • Catholic Greeting Cards
   • Framed Prints
   • Statues & Plaques
   • Wall Crucifixes
   • Holy Water Fonts
   • Outdoor Statues
   • Miraculous Medals
   • Saint Medals & Crucifixes
   • Bracelets & Necklaces
   • Chapel Veils & Scarves
   • Coffees & Teas
   • Candy & Chocolates
   • Lourdes Water Soaps & Lotions
   • Children’s Books
   • Catholic Toys & Games
15% OFF
One Veil or Mantilla

No coupon necessary. Mention newsletter. Offer good on in stock items only.
Prior purchases excluded. Limit one coupon per person.

Expires 06/30/2021
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine
We Appreciate Your Support!
Through the last 47 years, countless patrons have paid it forward to help this little family apostolate grow and thrive, ensuring that countless lives and hearts would be touched by the gentle hand of Mary through our efforts. If you are so moved, please consider helping us continue this beautiful legacy which is needed perhaps now more than ever, to bring people to Christ through Mary. We are registered 501 (c)3 non-profit.
Thank you, and God bless you!
"To Jesus through Mary"
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine

3301 Rogers Ave

Ellicott City, MD 21043

(410) 461-5066

Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities.